Machinery Scope’s New Equipment Extended Warranty Programs

Guided by the principles of offering maximum value, peace of mind, and efficient business processes, we are enhancing our offerings with extended warranty solutions aimed at benefiting equipment owners, dealers, industry professionals, and auction companies. With over three decades of experience in warranty services, our team of collaborators designed solutions that address intricate regulatory and risk transfer needs pertaining to the extraordinary expense of a major mechanical failure.

Claims Administrator Jesse Larson

Introducing the newest member of the Machinery Scope team – Jesse Larson! He’ll be working as our Claims Administrator, as he brings a lot of experience as an ag tech and service manager, as well as growing up farming in South Dakota. We’re happy to have him a part of our team and are confident

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Risk Management Solutions

Agriculture is our life. We know there are so many risks a farmer encounters in their operation – whether it’s commodity prices, accidents with equipment, the weather, or damage to the buildings on your farms. Many farmers take steps to protect their farm operation against these risks. After weather and commodity prices, the biggest financial

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