Protect your investments and avoid being scammed! If you are buying online or trading equipment sight unseen, a fast, simple, equipment verification from Machinery Scope can prevent you from getting scammed.
Get an Inspection On Your Equipment
How An Equipment Verification Works
Machinery Scope combines our vast knowledge and experience of equipment with Truepic technology to ensure the equipment is legitimate. It is far too easy for pictures, ads, and information to be doctored or altogether fake. Digital content has a history. We assist in determining the equipment to be real, original, and located exactly where it is said to be. Additionally, serial number verification is critically important. Titles and equipment liens that are not perfected or lien searches that come up short due to falsified or misleading serial numbers can cause headaches and financial consequences. Our process will capture the equipment’s location, a timestamp of when the pictures were taken, and use leading authenticity verification technologies to protect against fraudulent activity.

How Do We Know This Is Worthwhile?
Fraudulent schemes involving ag and construction equipment cost honest and hard-working companies billions of dollars each year. We have seen and felt the impact of fraud involving equipment transactions. In most cases, fraudsters use creative schemes to copycat companies and/or equipment listings that are not authentic. We make it our mission to prevent this from happening to our friends who are buying or selling equipment in good faith. Machinery Scope inspections with Truepic technology are only $200. It is the best investment you can make to efficiently assess the legitimacy of the equipment and protect your financial interests. Our services are quick and simple! The robust technology, in combination with our vast knowledge of equipment, provides valuable peace of mind and protects your best interests.

Advance Equipment Inspection
- Sellers Benefit: Get what you deserve. Consider including an advanced inspection of your equipment to increase the confidence of the buyers in the quality of your equipment.
- Buyers Benefit: As equipment becomes much more advanced and complicated, put your trust in an advanced inspection report. The equipment will be thoroughly inspected by experienced field service technicians. We will run the equipment, remove covers and shields, do a field test on the fluids, and more. Our Machinery Scope advanced inspectors will document all of our findings in our easy to read advanced inspection report.