Claims Administrator Jesse Larson

Introducing the newest member of the Machinery Scope team – Jesse Larson! He’ll be working as our Claims Administrator, as he brings a lot of experience as an ag tech and service manager, as well as growing up farming in South Dakota. We’re happy to have him a part of our team and are confident you’ll enjoy working with his as much as we do.

Checking Oil On A Combine And Finding An Issue!

Don’t assume! Inspect & protect your equipment! Jesse saved himself a new gear box purchase ($8,000-$10,000) and instead spent $500 on the repair needed. Jesse demonstrates how he checks his oil, explains why, and shows his results. Simple to do and could save you on both money & downtime this harvest season.

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The Importance of Managing Risk for you and Your Customers in a Volatile Market

 In today’s agricultural economy, both dealers and farmers are navigating a landscape filled with uncertainties. Higher interest rates, lower commodity prices, and a slowdown in equipment sales are creating challenges that impact decision making and profitability. For dealers, it’s critical to find ways to provide added value to customers, while also safeguarding your own financial

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